
Submit Paper

In order to submit a paper, you need to click on this EDAS link and follow the instructions there to complete the process.

Submit Paper!


Early Registration Deadline: 01 June 2024

Non-Egyptian Residence Participant

Paper Author IEEE Member [Early / Late] Non IEEE Member [Early / Late]
Regular Registration 500$ / 550$ 550$ / 600$
Extra page (Maximum 2 pages) 50$ 50$
Non-Author ( Regular Registration ) 500$ / 550$ 550$ / 600$

Egyptian Residence Participant

IEEE Member (Egyptian residence participant) [Early / Late] Non IEEE Member (Egyptian residence participant) [Early / Late]
Regular Registration 2500 LE / 3000 LE 3000 LE / 3500 LE
Extra page (Maximum 2 pages) 250 LE 250 LE
Non-Author ( Regular Registration ) 50$ / 60$ 60$ / 70$

Registration Instructions

All accepted papers that are registered and presented at the conference will be sent for inclusion in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore®. The authors must agree to the IEEE copyright conditions and sign the IEEE copyright form as part of the online submission process

  1. Non-Egyptian residence participants will pay registration fees through their EDAS account according to the rules indicated on the conference website registration page.
  2. Egyptian residence participants can choose to pay the registration fees in Egyptian currency (LE) by wire transfer to the bank account details indicated on the conference website registration page or by paying the same relative amounts in US dollars ($) through their EDAS account EDAS Account.
  3. After sending your registration payment by bank wire transfer scan the bank receipt and attach the PDF file in an email to:
  4. Egyptian residence participants will pay registration fees in Egyptian Currency (LE) by Wire Transfer with the following data:
Beneficiary International Telecommunication Conference (ITC-EGYPT) OR International Journal of Telecommunication (IJT), Air Defense College
Bank Name Banque du Caire
Branch Al-Montazah Branch, Alexandria, Egypt.
Account Number 02805010082254
IBAN Number EG260004206000002805010082254
Swift Code BCAIEGCX 280


  1. At least one of the accepted paper authors is required to register for the conference at the (Regular Registration) rate
  2. For both registration categories (Egyptian and Non-Egyptian Residence) authors with multiple accepted papers, one registration can cover up to (Two) papers for (The Same Author) who will be registered in the EDAS system to attend and present the (Two) papers at the conference.
  3. The (Non-Paper Authors) who need to attend and participate in the conference activities are required to register for the conference at the (Regular Registration) rate.
  4. Author registrations are required for the final paper (manuscript) upload.
  5. The paper must be presented by at least one of the authors whose names are assigned to it.
  6. The registration fees do (Not Include) the bank transfer fees, so when transferring the registration fees, please pay the bank transfer fee to your bank.
  7. Fees apply ONLY to payments received by the indicated deadlines.
  8. The conference fee does (Not Include) accommodation and airport transfer.

Cancelation Policy

Registration fees are not refundable.

The Author Registration fees, according to the shown rates, will cover the following

  1. Presentation and Publication of up to 2 papers, and online technical proceedings.
  2. Admission to all ITC-2024 scientific programs (22-25 July), including keynotes, panels, and industry sessions.
  3. Access to the exhibition and poster viewing area.
  4. Having a welcome reception, coffee breaks, and lunches during the conference days.

The Non-Author Registration fees, according to the shown rates, will cover the following

  1. Admission to all ITC-2024 scientific ITC-2024 scientific programs (22-25 July), including keynotes, panels, industry sessions, and online technical proceedings.
  2. Access to the exhibition and poster viewing area.
  3. Having a welcome reception, coffee breaks, and lunches during the conference days.

No-Show Policy

The organizers of ITC-2024 and attendees expect an accepted paper to be presented in person at the conference by the author of that paper. ITC-2024 will be an in-person conference, and online live presentations will not be possible. A paper that fails to meet this requirement will be removed from the final conference proceedings before uploading to IEEE Xplore®. No refund will be made to the authors of these papers.